1、论李清照婉约词的艺术美 摘 要:李清照的词作有着独特的抒情特色和语言特色,本文将通过对李清照婉约词的研究,从四方面综合论述了李清照婉约词的艺术美。首先从李清照婉约词的创作背景进行阐述,李清照出身士大夫之家,深受家庭熏陶,从小便有着良好的文学修养,其词中更是体现了她独特的女性意识。接着,从“花”、“雨”两个意象阐述了李清照婉约词的意象艺术。然后,从李清照少女、少妇、老妪三个年龄阶层以及李清照的艺术手法来阐述其词的抒情艺术。最后,从色彩美、音乐美、生活美三方面阐述了李清照婉约词的语言艺术。 关键词:李清照;婉约词;艺术美 On
2、 Li qingzhao graceful words Artistic beauty Abstract:Li qingzhao word has a unique lyrical characteristic and language characteristic, this article will through the study of Li qingzhao graceful words, four aspects comprehensively discusses the artistic beauty of
3、 Li qingzhao graceful words. First from the Li qingzhao and restrained expounds the background, Li qingzhao born home of scholar-bureaucrat, by family influence, and has a good literary accomplishment, from urinate in the word is to reflect her unique female consc
4、iousness. Then, from the "flower", "rain" image, expounds the Li qingzhao graceful words and restrained the imagery art. Then, from the Li qingzhao girl, young woman, the woman three age groups and artistic method to illustrate the Li qingzhao word's lyric art. Fi
5、nally, from the color beauty, music beauty and life beauty three aspects elaborated the Li qingzhao graceful words and restrained language art. Key words:Li qingzhao;Graceful words;Artistic beauty 前 言 李清照是我国宋代杰出的女作家,被誉为“婉约词之宗”,她的词作以女性特有的纤巧细腻渗透出了大丈夫的阳刚之气,貌似不饰雕琢的