1、From this valley they sayyouare going.Iwillmiss yourbrighteyesandsweetsmileFor they say you aretaking the sunshine.That has brightened mypathway awhileCome and sit by my side if you love me.Do not hasten to bid meadieu.For remember the RedRiverValleyAnd the cowboyloved you so true.I’ve been
2、 thinking a longtime my darlingOf the sweet words younever would sayNow, alas all my fondhopeshavevanishedThey say you are goingawayCome and sit by my side ifyou love me.Do not hasten to bid meadieu.For remember the RedRiver ValleyAnd the cowboy lovedyousotrue.whowho定语从句在复合句中修饰名词或代词的句子.Harr
3、yPorterisasmartboyHarryPorterisaboywhohasmagicpower.形容词作定语句子作定语,修饰boy,叫做定语从句Pleaserememberthecowboywholoved you so true.先行词关系词定语从句关系代词关系副词which,who,whom,whose,thatwhere,when,why人①who作定语从句的主语.Thosepeoplemakemostpeoplehappyarethehappiestintheworld.Thosepeoplemakemostpeoplehappy.分解Thosepeoplea