4、omolangma.Itis8,844.43metershigh.QomolangmaTheNileTheSaharaTheCaspianSea9,600,000squarekilometersinsize6,671kilometerslong1,025metersdeep8,844.43metershighTeacher: Yesterday, we learned some important geographicalfacts.Ihope you all still remember them. I'm going to
5、 test you now byaskinga few questions. First, what's the highest mountain in the world?Boy2:!It’s higher than any other mountain in the world.Teacher: That's right. And who can tell me what the Sahara is?Girl 1:is the biggest desert in the world.Teacher: Very good.
6、And which is the deepest salt lake in theworld?Girl2:is the deepest of all the salt lakes.Teacher: You're all so smart! Now, for the last question, which isthelongest river in the world?Boy 1: I know!is the longest river in the world.Boy2: And the Amazon is the seco
7、nd longest river in the world.Teacher: It seems that you know the answers to all my questions. Good job!QomolangmaTheNileTheCaspianSeaTheSahara1bListenandcompletethesentences.1.Qomolangmais______thananyothermountainintheworld.2.TheSaharais____________desertintheworl