2、经轴系传递到壳体的路径,就对改善减震装置、降低壳体振动有重要意义。关键词:轴-壳耦合;轴系;壳体;螺旋桨激振力中图分类号:TB53;U661.44 文献标识码:A文章编号:1672 – 7649(2017)07 – 0065 – 04 doi:10.3404/j.issn.1672 – 7649.2017.07.013CouplingcharacteristicandmechanismofthethrustandhullsystemofsubmarineWU Xing-yu, JI Gang, ZHOU Qi-dou, YI Xiu-yang(Depar
3、tment of Ship Engineering, Naval University of Engineering, Wuhan 430033, China)Abstract: Pulse excitation generated by underwater propeller is an important source of submarine vibration. The mainstructure of the submarine is thrust system and the hull system. The exciting force generated by the
4、propeller shaft though thebearing to excite the hull submarine. At present, there are two ways to reduce the vibration: reducing pulse excitation of thepropeller and improving the damping device between the bearing and the hull. When to reduce the propeller exciting force isdifficult, it is impor
5、tant to research the transfer of exciting from thrust system to the hull systemKeywords: coupling of the thrust and hull;thrust system;hull system;propeller force0 引 言激励传递的主要途径。谢基榕[4]通过某实船的主推力轴承轴向动刚度的测试试验表明,当激励推进轴尾端螺旋桨与水下伴流场产生的脉动激振力是潜艇振时,纵向激振力在100 Hz以下某频段时,推进轴段与动的一个重要激励源[1]。潜艇的主要结构是推进轴系主推力轴承外