2、,值得学习和借鉴。关键词:舰艇核动力;陆上模式堆;核辐射;安全中图分类号:TM263.1 文献标识码:A文章编号:1672 – 7619(2016)12 – 0187 – 03 doi:10.3404/j.issn.1672 – 7619.2016.12.039Theradiationsafetymanagementoftheland-basednuclearfacilitiesofU.S.navyJIN Wen-chao1, GE Song2(1. Naval Academy o
3、f Armament, Beijing 100161, China; 2. The 714 Research Instiute of CSIC, Beijing 100101, China)Abstract: The naval land-based facilities such as nuclear prototype and naval nuclear laboratories play an importantrole in the development of U.S. naval nuclear pro
4、pulsion technologies. The U.S. navy attach great importance to the safety ofthese facilities, especially the radiation safety for the people related, and has established an excellent management method,which could be learned for reference.Keywords: nuclear wars