2、 04 doi:10.3404/j.issn.1672 – 7619.2017.02.027SubmarinewireddisposablebuoyandkeytechniquesLIU Rui-hai, XU Wen-tao, ZHANG Liang(China Ship Development and Design Center, Wuhan 430064, China)Abstract: Submarine wired disposable buoy(SWDB) could be deployed to the surface to receive in
3、formation by sub-merged submarine. In this paper, the function and components of SWDB are introduced; the key techniques and solutionconsiderations are also presented.Keywords: wired disposable buoy;submarine;technique0 引言(Calisto)通信浮标,但其被潜艇拖曳时在水面的航迹仍然能被发现。一次性多功能抛弃式浮标则更多用潜艇作为一种水下作战平台,以海