1、河北省石家庄2018届高三教学质量检测(二)英语试题ABestScienceBooksof2017Atitsheart,scienceisaboutcuriosity.Soitstandstoreasonthesebooksaboutscienceshouldmakeyouexamineyourworldmoreclosely,andindoingso,giveyouasenseofwonder.Big Chicken,by Maryn McKennaInvestigative journalist MarynMcKennauses the modernindustrialchi
2、ckenasawindowintohowantibiotics(抗生素)transformedmodernagriculture—forgoodandill.Shetraceshowanimalantibioticsendangerhumanhealth,causing serious problems from antibioticresistantstomach infections to UTIs.RecognizingthatAmericans are going to continue to eat chickenno matter what,Mckernnasugge
3、stsawayinwhichfactoryfarmingrids itself of its dependence onantibiotics.Why Time Flies,by Alan BurdickNew Yorker staff writer Alan Burdick examines the greatest gift humanity has everknown: time.Time,hewrites,appearsto exist in two distinct forms.One is the standardized,objectivekindfoundincl
4、ocksandwatches;theotheris our internal,biological sense of time,the one we measure in our cells,bodies and minds.Butthecloserhelooks,the less clearerthis distinction appears.Paleoart,by Zoe LescazeDinosaurs have long captured the imaginations of scientists and artists alike,and Paleoartbrings
5、those visions together in a blend of human knowledge and creativity.These images not only show our changing understanding of dinosaurs,but also reflect thedistinctartisticsensibilities of their time.Both artistic and educational,these pictures arecertainly influential.What It’s Like to Be a D
6、og,by Gregory BernsBerns,a neuroscientist,trained dogs to sit in a machine in order to look into the brains ofconsciousdogsforthefirsttime.That pioneering work inspired him to dig deeper into the mindsof other animals,fromsealionstothe extinct thylacine (袋狼).Berns.says,“With theirability to t
7、hink,choose and feel,dogsandotheranimalsdonotdeserve the cruel treatmenthumanssooftendotothem.”21.Which book has something to do with public health?A.Why Time Flies.B.Paleoart.C.What It ’s Like to Be a Dog.D.Big Chicken.22.Who writes about ti