1、英文2000核心词词汇表8页英文核心2000词词汇表List of Words Used in Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English 4 hair half n,adj,adv hall hammer n,v hand n,v handkerchief handle n,v hang happen happening happiness happy harbour n hard adj,adv hardly harm n,v haste n hasten has
2、tily hasty hat hate n,v hatred have he head n,adj health n healthy heap n,v hear heart heat n,v heaven heavy heel height help n,v hen her(s) pron,adj here hide v high adj,adv hill him Hindu(ism) hire v his historical history hit n,v hold n,v hold n holiday
3、hollow adj holy home n,adj,adv honest honesty honour n honourable -hood hook n,v hope n,v horizon horn n horse n hospital host hot hotel hour house n how human adj humble adj humour,humorous hunger hungry hunt v hurry v hurt v husband n hut I I -ible -i
4、c -ical ice n icy idea if ill adj im- image imaginary imagination imagine importance important improve in in- inch n include including income increase n,v indeed indoor(s) adj industrial industry infect(ious) influence n,v influential inform information -in
5、g ink n inn inner inquire inquiry insect inside n,prep,adv instead instruct instrument insurance intend intention interest n,v interesting international interrupt into introduce introduction invent invitation invite inwards -ion ir- iron n,adj -ish island -
6、ist it its -ity -ive -ization -ize J January jaw(s) n jealous(y) jelly Jew(ish) jewel jewellery job n join n,v joint n joke n,v journey n joy judge judgment juice July jump n,v June just adj,adv justice K keen keep v key n kill v kilo kilogram kiilom
7、etre kind n,adj king kingdom kiss n,v kitchen knee kneel knife n knock n,v knot n,v know v knowledge L labour n lack n,v ladder lady lake lamb lamp land n,v language large last v,adj,adv late lately latter laugh n,v laughter law lawful lawyer lay lazy l
8、ead n lead v leaf lean v learn least leather leave v left leg lend length less -less lesson let v letter level n,adj,adv library lid lie v life lift light n,v,adj lighting like v,adj,adv,prep -like lik