1、经验交流建筑科技英语工程应用的探讨The construction of english for science and technology engineering application韩 薇(甘肃建筑职业技术学院,甘肃 兰州 730050)摘 要:在科技专业中科技英语应用最为广泛,英语和建筑业连接起来就是建筑科技英语,建筑科技英语中的语言有着与其它英语不一样的特色,在有着普通英语相同共性外,更有着自己的个性,在语言上别具一格。本文就建筑科技英语在工程应用中的问题与解决方法展开探讨。关键词:建
2、筑科技英语;指导;工程应用Abstract:In the science and technology professional English is most widely applied science and technology,English connecting link and construction is the construction technology,construction technology in the English language is different
3、 from other English characteristics,with the ordinary English same commonness, more is in its own personality, having a unique style in the language.In this paper, the construction technology in guiding English also discussing problems and solutions o