1、2014三年级英语下册中期检测一、选择正确的一项补全单词20分( )1.h____ d A.ea B. aa C. ae ( )2. c ____ t A. oo B.oa C.aa( )3.br ___ther A.a B.o C.u( )4. f ___ther A.u B.e C.a( )5. ___y __ A.a,e B.e,e C. a,a( )6. h ___nd A.e B. c
2、 C.a( )7. gr ____dpa A. an B. ai C. ii( )8.f __ce A. e B.a C.o( )9s __ster A. a B. u C. i( )10sh __p A. a B. u C.i二、选出不同类的词写在括号里(10分) ( ) 1. mouth face mother ear( )2.grandma brother socks mom(
3、 )3. orange apple panda pear( )4. shoes sweater arm trousers( )5. bus train taxi boy 三、单项选择 26分( )1. It ___ a nose . A.have B. has C.doesn’t( )2. Thesearethe ___ .A.ear Bmouth Ceyes( )3 I have ___ . A.two foot B.twofeet C.on
4、e feet ( )4. ___ ithaveears? A. Does B.Do C.Have ( )5.____doyougotothezoo?--By taxi .A. what B. Who C.How ( )6.Dotheygotothezoo___ foot? A.by Bon C. in ( )7.This ___ mymother.A. are B is C.am ( )8. ___ thisyoucap?A. is B.are C. am ( )9
5、. Thesearemy ___ and legs.A. arm B.arms ( )10. _____ he haveasweater?A.do B.Do C. does( )11.Whose _____ arethese? A.sock B.socks C. Sock ( )12. Itismy ___ dress. A mother B.mother’s C.mothers13. How___ you gotoschool?A. do B. have C. does
6、 四、情景交际14分( )1.你想知道远处那个小男孩是谁可以怎么说呢? A. Who isshe? B. Who ishe? C.Whoseisthat?( )2.你想知道同桌是否骑自行车上学可以怎么问呢A.Howdoyou gotoschool? B.Doyoucometoschoolbybus? C.Doyoucometo schoolby bike?( )3..你如何征求别人的意见呢A.Thankyouverymuch. B Whataboutyou? C.You’rwelcome ( )4
7、.你想知道桌子上的连衣裙是谁的可以怎么问呢 A.Whoisthegirl? B.Whosedressisit? C.Howdoesyoursistergotoschool?( )5.你妹妹怎样去西安AHowdoesyourbrothergohome? B.Howdoesyoursistergotoxi’an? C. Howdoyougotoschool?( )6. 我爸爸是开车回家的。 AMyfathergoes homebycar. B. Myfathergo toschoolbybike.C. Mymotherg