1、涡流制冷方式在工业领域的应用Application of Vortex Cooling in Industry作者:张王宗 单位:美国埃泰克气动技术国际公司中国办事处Keywords: Expansion decalescence、Vortex、Temperature Separation Effects、Cold Fraction、Energy saver、Safety、High efficiency、Simpleness、AiRTX (AirTX), Air Powered.Abstract: Vortex tube is an easily used refrigerating
2、 device. Powered by compressed air, it produces separate hot and cold air streams. Vortex tubes have found an extensive application in numerous industrial fields because of its consistent performance, easy application and maintenance, and no moving parts.关键词:膨胀吸热、涡流、冷热分离效果、制冷系数、节能、安全、高效、简便、埃泰克摘要: