1、九年级英语第4单元诊断性自测题Unit4Iusedtobeafraidofthedark.I.单项填空。()1.The old man lives ________ in the village, but he doesn’t feel ________. A. lonely; lonely B. alone; aloneC. lonely; alone D. alone; lonely()2.________mysurprise,hefinishedthejobinoneday.A.ForB.WithC.ToD.In()3. Johnusedtobesh
4、B.towatch,playingC.watching,playingD.watching,toplay()9.He wanted to know _________. A. where did my pen pal come from B. where does my pen pal come from C. where my pen pal came from D. where my pen pal comes from ()10.Ourschool_________alottheseyears.Itlooksmuchmorebeautifult