1、赫克犹巴He cuba's life was one of grief and sorrow.She sawwithher own eyes her eldest born Hector killed andinsulted by Achilles.She saw her son Polites slain infront of her by Pyrrhus.And she saw her husband,theaged Priam,dragged towards the household altar andruthlessly butchered there.After the
2、fall of Troy shewas carried into slavery .Shehad the misfortune towitness her daughter Polyxena,her soleconsolation inbondage ,sacrificed at the tomb of Achilles.She hadthe sad fate to see washed ashore the corpse of heryoung estson Polydorus,who had been entrusted tothe Thracian king for safek
3、eeping.With her fifty children all dead she became thequeen of sorrowsfrom whom no other woman could obtain the crown .Yet in her distress and despair,sheplucked up hercourage to avenge herself upon the Thracian king,who had murdered her son inorder to get her son's gold.Later,as Dionysushad pr
4、ophesied ,she was transformed into a dogwith bloodshoteyes and,unable to endure the new misery,she leapt into thesea and thus endedher unfortunate life.赫克犹巴的一生充满了痛苦与悲哀。她亲眼目睹了长子海克特被阿基里斯侮辱,尔后被杀害;儿子波利斯被皮洛士杀死在自己面前;年迈的丈夫皮安姆被拖到家庭祭坛残酷地处死。特洛伊沦陷后,她成了一名奴隶。她又不幸地看到了自己在奴役中的惟一安慰——女儿波里丝娜被血祭于阿基里斯的墓前。为了使最小的儿子波里