3、 Aplay BPlay Cplays Dplayed ( )5XiaoJing_____verybusyyesterday Ais Bare Cwas Dwere ( )6He_____hisgrandparents____Saturdaymorning. Avisited/ Bvisiton Cvisits/ Dvisitson ( )7Theyplayedfootball___theirfriends. Awith Bfor Cand D in ( )8Hewashedclothes____cleanedhisroom.
4、 Awith Bfor Cand D in ( )9Liuyunwalked__Sarah’shome,thenIwalked___home. A/to B/ / C to/ Dto to ( )10Hejumped___thelakeandswam___it. Ain to B into to C to in D to into ( )11Iliketo___kites I____kitesyesterday Afly fly Bflew fly C fly flew ( )It___awin
5、dydaythedaybeforeyesterday. Awas Bwere Cis Dare 四选择正确的答句 ( )Whatdidyoudolastweekend? A No,Ididn’t ( )Didyouclimbmountain? B Iwenthikingtoo. ( )Howaboutyou? C Iamsorrytohearthat. ( )Ifailedthemathtest. D Iwenttoapark. ( )What
6、doyouusuallydo? E Iusuallygotoapark. 五连词成句 How/was/?/weekend/your____________________________________ ?/did/a/you/mountain/climb___________________________________ Last/was/busy/./weekend/Mike/________________________________ Morning/?/do/did/what/Sunday/you___________