3、ImakesurethatIhaveturnedthetapoff. 我确信已经关了水龙头。 Pleasemakesureofthetimeandplace.请弄清楚时间,地点。 【展示交流】Step1.Warmup1. Ask the students to work in pairs. Tell the Ss to look at the pictures in the book and practise the short conversations, using the phrases. 2. T says: Today
4、we talk about good table manners. In fact, good manners are basically as set of behaviours that people may reasonably expect. Let them describe the situation or act in out in class. (or show some pictures, let Ss talk about the following action)Step2:Listenandanswerth
5、equestions.1. T says: We will listen to a dialogue between manner. 2. let Ss close the book and listen to the tape for the first time. 3.Ask Ss to open their book and read the exercise. 54. let them listen to the tape a second time and then fill in the blank. 5. If it
6、 seems difficult for the Ss to grasp what is being said, you may have to play the tape one or two more times. 6. get Ss finish P74A. Step3:Speakingandfinishtask 1. Ask Ss to work in pairs and consider the following three situations. 2. Ask them to read each sit
7、uation carefully and make sure that they all understand it. 3. Get Ss to make up a short dialogue, to solve each specific small problem smoothly and in a polite manner. 4. if time is enough, let some Ss act out their dialogue in class.Step4:Writing.1.AskSstowriteabo