1、.ScriptDuchess: “My husband and I find strong smoke offensive. Would you kindly put that out."Detective: “Pretty neat set-up you folks got.” Duchess: “Iimagine you did not come here to discuss décor ". Detective: “No, ma'am, can't say I did. I like nice things, though.Like th
2、at car of yours. The one you keep here in the hotel.Jaguar, ain't it?"Duke: "Aah!" Duchess: “In what conceivable way does our car concern you?”Detective: “Who else is in this place?" Duke: “No one. We sent them out."Detective: “There's things it pays to check.(检查房间)Now the
3、n,word范文.you two was in the hit-'n-run ."Duchess: “ What are you talking about?"Detective: “Don't play games, lady. This is for real.(拿雪茄) You saw the papers. There's been plenty on radio, too." Duchess: “What you are suggesting is the most disgusting,ridiculous..."Detective:
4、 “I told you – Cut it out!You listen to me, your high-an'-mightiness. This city's burnin' mad – cops, mayor, everybody else. When they find who done that last night, who killed that kid an' its mother, then high-tailed it, they'll throw the book, and never mind who it hits, o
5、r whether they got fancy titles neither. Now I know what I know, and if I do what by rights I should, there'll be a squad of cops in here so fast you'll hardly see 'em. But I come to you first, in fairness, so's you could tell your side of it to me. 'f you want it the other w
6、ay, just say so."word范文.Duchess: “You unspeakable blackguard ! How dare you!” Duke: “It's no go, old girl. I'm afraid. It was a good try.(转向探长)What you accuse us of is true. I am to blame. I was driving thecar and killed the little girl."Detective: “That's more like it.Now
7、we're getting somewhere."Duchess: “What is it you know?"Detective: “Well now, I'll spell it out.Last night, early on, you went to Lindy's Place in Irish Bayou. You drove there in your fancy Jaguar, and you took a lady friend. Leastways, I guess you'd call her that if you're n
8、ot too fussy."Duke: “Get on with it!"Detective: “Well,the way I hear