3、8.ChenJieisthreeyearsolderthanAmy.Whichoneisright?A.ChenJieis10,andAmyis10,too.B.ChenJieis10,andAmyis7.C.ChenJieis7,AndAmyis10.三、选择1. There are______apples in the basketball and you don‟t need to buy any. 2A little B a little C much D a few 2. W
4、e'd better wait _______ more minutes. I think Jeff will come soon. A. a few B. few C. a little D. little 3. Did you see _____? A strange something B something strange C strange anything D anything strange 4. Do you often lea
5、rn English by____? A you B your C yours D yourself 5. The _____job makes him ______. A boringboring B. boring bored C bored bored D bored boring四、翻译下列句子1.这一只鸟比那一只大____________________________________.2.这个男孩比那个男孩高___________________