1、经验交流竹材料在室内设计中的应用Bamboo materials in interior design张 旻(兰州城市学院美术学院,甘肃 兰州 730030)摘 要:在现代化的室内设计之中竹材料有着相当广泛的应用,同时由于竹材料属于一种天然的、轻质的材料,有着较强的力学强度,所以应当加强竹材料在室内设计之中的应用,更好的提升设计效果和欣赏价值。本文针对这一方面的内容展开论述,详细的分析了室内设计之中竹材料的应用重点和难点,同时对实践应用过程当中应当加强的问题和应当改进的相关难点等进行了系统性的分析,旨在以此为基础更好的增强应用效益。关键词:竹
2、材料;研究分析;室内设计;应用研究Abstract:In the modern interior designs of bamboo material has a very wide range of applications,and because of the bamboo material is a kind of natural, lightweight materials,has a strong mechanical strength,it should strengthen the bamboo material in the
3、interior design among applications designed to enhance the effectiveness and better appreciate the value.Articles will start for the content discussed in this regard,a detailed analysis of the interior designs of bamboo materials, application focus and difficult,while the p
4、ractical application of the process should be strengthened and should be improved related problems,such as difficulties in a systematic analysis intended as a basis for better efficiency enhancement application.Keywords:bamboo materials;research and analysis;interior design