3、验,伴随着一路的考验,他最终成为真正的“斗战胜佛”。本文通过孙悟空形象的由来及性格特征两个方面来分析孙悟空这个人物形象。 关键词:《西游记》,孙悟空,形象由来,性格分析12Abstract SunWukong is one of the prominent characters shaped by Wu Cheng'en in Pilgrimage to the West. His image runs through the whole work and makes it the typical gathers of monkey,human nature and div
4、inity. He is a monkey formed by suffering from a naively show Nissei Yuet Wah and lived a unaffected life, but it is unwilling to be normal. In order torealize his dream, he suffered and learned. Driven by thevavious desires, he crashed into the hell and struggled withtheHeaven, eventually pr
5、essured on the foot of the five-figer mountain . With the purpose of regaining freedom once again,he decided to guard TangSen to collect Buddhist sutras,alongthe whole way filling with numerous hardship, from which is a test of whether he is sincere, at the end ,he became areally “fighter” ov
6、er Haddha. Key words:“Pilgrimage to the west”,Monkey King,originof Monkey King's,characteranalysis12前 言 《西游记》成书于我国明代中叶,直至今日,它依然吸引着无数读者,更是驰誉中外。著名瑞典汉学家马悦然说得好:“在世界文学中,《西游记》是最有趣的小说之一,应该让世界人共同欣赏。”[1]提到《西游记》,几代人耳熟能详,津津乐道。孙悟空作为小说《西游记》的主要角色,他顽劣,也谨慎;他桀骜不驯,也齐心协力;他火眼金睛,能辨妖魔真假;他七十二变,尽显精明机智;他神通广大,身经百战,惩恶扬