1、AncientEgyptAncientEgyptwasanancientcivilizationofNortheasternAfrica.——byLongSiLuYinanLiuYunSunYongxianThelocationofEgyptThelocationofEgyptEgypt is bordered by theMediterranean Seato the north, the Red Seato the east, and links to Asia by The isthmus o
2、f Suez(The Suez Canalnowdays)MediterraneanSea:地中海SuezCanal:苏伊士运河TheNileRiverThisistheSatelliteimageoftheNile RiverTheNileRivergoes through the Egypt from the north tothe South,making the ancient Egyptcivilization become the socalled Rivercivilization j
3、ust like the civilization in China and Mesopotamia(美索不达米亚).The Neil flood regularfrom June to November ,brings thefertile black soil to both sides, on whichthe Egyptians establish their primecountries.(最初的国家)The River Neil is the granary(谷仓)of he Medi
4、terraneanSea(地中海 )while the Egypt is the gift from it.--Herodotus《TheHistories》希罗多德《历史》(Herodotus: known as the first historian ,and his“The Histories”,whichis the first history book of the world,and he is called as Father of History(西方史学之父))Egypt'shi
5、storyissplitintoseveraldifferentperiodsaccordingtotherulingdynastyofeachpharaoh.The Historical stage of EgyptPyramidAll are afraid of time, but time itself isafraid of the pyramid. ---Arab proverb(阿拉伯谚语)The building of pyram
6、ids began in the 3rd Dynasty with the reign(统治)of KingDjoser(卓瑟王).The age of the pyramids reached its zenith(顶峰)atGiza in 2575~2150B.C.Asof 2008, some135 pyramids have been discovered inEgypt.The Great Pyramid of Giza(吉萨金字塔)is thelargest in Egypt and o
7、ne of the largest inthe world.TheGreatPyramidofGiza(吉萨)isthelargestpyramidintheworld.TheGreatPyramidofGizaisoneoftheSevenWondersoftheAncientWorldandistheonlyonetosurviveintomoderntimes.TilltheEiffelTowerwasbuildintheyear1889,ithadbeenthetallestbuilding