1、1.A man on a lonely island can act as he likes because he has no one to consider except himself. But when Robinson Crusoe discovered footprints in the sand, he could no longer act precisely as before. He had to think of the existence of a companion and th
2、e possible effect of his actions upon a second person. Two people thus suddenly brought face to face can not ignore each other. Either one must overcome the other or they must arrive at some form of coexistence. In the latter event they have first to conv
3、ince each other of their friendly intentions. When a man comes upon a tribe whose language he does not know, he will nod and smile, make friendly gestures and perhaps send them small gifts. If these offers are successful, the tribesmen will take him to th
4、eir village and bring him food and drink. Moreover, the arrival of an important visitor is something out of the ordinary. So, as an answer to the feeling that their guest should be treated as well as they can, something better than the ordinary food will
5、be provided, and the meal followed by singing and dancing. The host wishes to make his guest feel at home, the guest to show thanks of the kindness he has received. Questions of good behavior and consideration for others maybe have arisen in one form or a
6、nother since social life began, because social life is impossible if each person thinks only of himself. If men are to live together in a community they must, as a measure of common sense and in the interest of all,accept a certain number of rules and con
7、ventions. Such agreement is more than ever necessary. Chaos may result when four people play bridge according to widely different conventions. The same is true of social life. 2.Manners are important to happy relations among people. Everyone likes a perso
8、n with good manners. No one likes a person with bad manners. But what are good manners? How does one know what to do and what not to do? Well, here are some examples. A person with good manners never laughs at peop