4、ologyisanothergreat forceforchange. In part, technology has causedthepopulationexplosion;manyofus won’tnow bealiveifit weren’t foradvancesin health, 1. __________ agricultureandindustry. But inpart, technologyhelps resolvethepopulationproblem, either. It’s aneverendingcycle.
5、The2. __________ needformorefooddiscouragesdevelopmentofbetter3. __________technology whichnaturallykeeps morepeoplealive.And thereareno going back to asimple, lesstechnologically 4. __________ complex time. We’reborn. We’re here. We’re hungry. Whiletechnologymakes this poss
6、ibleforfourorevensix 5. __________ billionof us toexist, it also eliminates our job opportunities. In theory, itisimpossiblethat allthegoods andservices the 6. __________ worldneeds could beproduced by only2 percentofthepopulation. This tendency oftechnology tomakeworkers su
7、perfluous (过剩的)but atsametimeallowingtheir numbers 7. __________ to grow up so largeiscreating psychologicaltensions. 8. __________ Traditionally, work determinesourwayoflife. Butif98 percent ofus doesn’t needtowork, what arewegoingto 9. __________ dowithoneself?Somethingmor