1、2017呼和浩特英语中考模拟试题一单项选择题(共15分)1. Wewillhave ________ readingfestival this term, and wecan’twait for it. A.a B.an C. the D./2. There ________ twodictionarieson the bookcase. Youcanuseeither of the
2、m. A.is B.was C.are D.were3. ----The students of Grade9inChangchunhavetotakepartin the P.E.testfrom2016. ----Yes. ________ youwanttopassit and bestronger,practicemore.] A.until
3、 B.if C.unless D.or4. ----DoyouimproveyourspokenEnglishbycommunicating with othersorreadingaloud? ----________. I makelots of newfriendsin this way,too. A.Yes, I do.
4、 B.IlikeEnglishverymuch. C.No,Idon’t. D.Bycommunicating with others.5. ----Couldyoutellme ________ everymorning? ----Sure. I havetocatch the schoolbus. A.whyyougetupearly
5、 B.whydoyougetupearly C.whydidyougetupearly D.whyyougotupearly6. Mr.Chenisateacher ________ I wanttolearnfrom. Heissoknowledgeable. A. which B. when C.who
6、 D.what7. Ihopemyschoollife of seniorhigh will be ________ than that of juniorhigh. A.moreexciting B.veryexcitingC.asexcitingas D. the mostexciting8. _____
7、___ greatnewsitis! We’llhaveaschooltripnextweek. A.Whata B.What C.Howa D.How9. In2022,Beijingwillhost the WinterOlympics. ________ mybrother an