2、折射出了广东石油化工学院学生的消费道德现状。为此,加强广东石油化工学院III学生的消费道德教育,引导他们树立科学的人生观、价值观和消费观念,已成为一个不容忽视的重要问题。关键词:广东石油化工学院学生不良消费原因对策AbstractWith our repaid development of economy, residents’ consumption level has been increasing gradually, as well as college students. As special con
3、sumers, the consumption of most of college students is scientific and reasonable. However, some of them behave reasonlessly. The conflict between excessive consumption concept and their limit economy ability has been increasing obviously, which reflects the
4、consumption morals current situation of our college students. IIITherefore, to strengthen our college students' consumption ethics education, to guide them to establish a scientific outlook on life, value and consumer attitudes, have been a significant issue
5、 , which cannot be ignored.Keywords:GuangdongUniversityofPetrochemicalTechnologyBadConsumption,ReasonSolutionIII目录摘要IAbstractII一、引言1(一)研究的目的和意义1(二)研究的主要内容1二、广东石油化工学院学生不良消费行为概述2(一)广东石油化工学院学生不良消费行为的现状2(二)广东石油化工学院学生不良消费行为的表现2三、广东石油化工学院学生不良消费行为产生的原因5(一)自身方面:消费心态