1、MyViewonJob-hopping Peoplehavedifferentattitudestowardstheirwork.Someprefertosticktooneoccupationastheirlifelongcareer.Thesepeopleareoftheopinionthatonecanneverdohisworkwellunlessheisdevotedtoonlyonejobinhislifetime.Soifonechangeshisjobfrequently,hewil
2、lnotgetthenecessaryexperienceneededinhiswork. Others,ontheotherhand,liketochangetheirjobsattimes.Intheiropinion,peopleworkinordertomakemoremoney.Iftheyhaveachancetogetabetterpaidjob,theywillcertainlytrytogetthischance.Besides,ifapersondoesonlyonejoball
3、hislife,hewillcertainlybeboredwithit. Myideaisthatinterestisthemostimportantifonewantstoexcelothersinhisjob.Soifapersonisnotinterestedinhisjob,jobhoppingisnormalandevennecessary.Otherwise,hewillsufferfromhiswork,andinevitably,heisnotlikelytosucceedinhi
4、scareer.Choosing a Career Outline: 1. 择业是每个青年人都要面临的问题。2. 择业的标准是什么。3. 我们应持的态度。 Choosing career is a problem that every youth must be faced. First of all, when a person has grown up, he has to decide which field he will go into so that he can earn enou
5、gh money and support himself. Besides, with so many people rushing into the city from the coun¬try, there are fewer and fewer job opportunities available and it is becoming increasingly difficult for one to find a suitable job. There are many factors t
6、o be considered when one is choosing a career. One factor is that a young man has to find a job that will bring him a good income for a comfortable life. Interest is another factor. The job should be interesting and motivating. Finally, one should find a
7、 job that suits his talent, so that he can make full use of his potential. But what preparations should a young man make in order to choose a good job? One must first of all be serious about this matter be¬cause it will have an influence on his whole l
8、ife. Then, to meet the requirements of demanding jobs, one needs to have certain qualifica¬tions. It is therefore essential for him to acquire basic knowledge and skills.2. 任何事物都是有两面性,……也不例外。它既有有利的一面,也有不利的一面。 Everything