2、69∕j. issn. 1004-440X. 2018. 02. 008The Impact Factors of Color Tolerance Adjustment for LED LampZENG Tianci(Philips Lighting (Shanghai) Co. Ltd. , Shanghai 200233, China)Abstract: Influenced by the structure and optical material, the color tolerance adjustment of LED lampmay occur color offset in
3、 the LED lighting. We studied the color offset problem of LED lamp, and exploredhow to improve the lighting quality of LED lighting.Key words: LED; SDCM; color tolerance adjustment; color offset; lamp引言鉴于照明的需求日益增长, 应用市场上对 LED灯具的光色品质的要求也越来越苛刻, 其中对 LED灯具色容差的要求也起来越高。 但是灯具是由多种光学结构件组成, 各个光学件的物理特性又会对光产生不