1、实用文档1、SPORTS【英】A:Hello,【Name】,it'sasunnyday,right?B:Yes.【Name】,whatareyougoingtodo?Youknow,suchagoodweather,whatapityifonlystayathome.A:Ican'tagreewithyoumore.I'mgoingtoplaybadminton,andyou?B: Badminton?Well,Ifeelpoorinthiskindofgame.A: Don'tworry.Thebeginningisalwaysthehardest.Ican
2、teachyou.B: I'dbegladto. ButIperfecttabletennis.A:Tabletennis?Ireallydon'tknowyoucanplaytabletennis.B:Actually,therearelotsofthingsyoudon'tknow.A: Whatelseyoucanplay?B:Ihavewideofinterests,suchasreading,swimming,tabletennisandsoon.A:Well,Iloveswimming.Ithinkswimmingcanhelpmemakingag
5、我认为游泳可以帮助我保持好的身材。A:你还可以提高你的耐力,还有……无论如何,有许多好处。B:那么,去游泳怎么样?A:你在开玩笑吧?这是冬天!现在水里太冷。B:然而,在冬天游泳很有好处。你可以试试。A:决不。我可不想感冒。B:好吧,好吧。打乒乓球,这样可以吗?A:好主意。我们现在去吗?B:为什么不呢?我们走吧。2、MONEY【英】A: 【Name】!B: Hi!A: If you had a million dollars…if you won the lottery…what would you do?文案大全实用文档B: I would buy a sma
6、ll island, build a house there, and invest the rest of my money sothat I would never have to work again.A: OK, So are you talking a tropical island, or...B: A tropical island, yeah, or maybe I would give it all to charity and have a bridge namedafter me.A: That's two different thing
7、s there. How about the island? Would you want to be alone, ona secluded island or?B: No, I would want all of my friends to come and visit me often.A: OK. Nice. So how would you pass the time on this island?B: I would read books. I would study. I would go swimming, go fishing, and pl
8、ay with mydog.A: OK