4、、问题情景,扩大教学容量,增强教学的趣味性和时效性。六、课前准备 1、分发本节课的练习题。 2、教师准备相关多媒体课件。七、教学过程 步骤一:导入(课前播放一首学生们熟悉的歌曲)Teacher: Do you like the song that you heard just now? Students: Yes .(most) T: Do you like the singer? Ss: Yes. (most) T: I like him, too. But who is he? Do you know? Ss: LiuHuanT: (show two p
5、ictures of singers and actorswho the students have known)Yes. Who is he? Ss: GongHanlinT : What do you think of them? Ss: handsome /famous /tall /rich ……. T: Great! But I think they are all famous. And I think LiuHuan is heavy. Liu Huanis heavier than GongHanlin. And GongHanlin is th
6、inerthanLiu Huan. (同时引导学生来说) 步骤二:呈现 T:Good!Today, in this class,let’s review thecomparative of adjectivesandadverbs. (Show a picture of three degrees of adjectives and adverbs )T: You remember them? (引导学生来回答)Ss: Positive , comparative and superlativeT: First, we review the regular c
7、hanges in the comparative and superlative of adjectives and adverbs. (引导学生来回答) Ss:(根据PPT图片回答) T: Now, you can finish the regular changes in the comparative of adjectives and adverbs. I give you two minutes. So you tell me your answers. (教师随时关注学生的作答情况,适当的增加或减少练习的时间) (Check the student