1、ISTA是国际安全运输协会 International Safe Transit Association的简称。国际安全运输协会是一个由托运商、承运商、分销商、包装供应商、包装测试机构和教育组织组成的国际联盟,它的日常工作重心是全球范围内产品运输配送的过程和管理。国际安全运输协会是全球运输包装测试标准的创造者、革新者和领导者,它作为非官方的同业公会组织,可以提供产品包装、测试实验室、包装测试实验室以及包装实验室专业人员的资质认证。 国际安全运输协会的使命是通过创造革新、宣传推广和广泛提供包装性能测试标准、专业培
2、训教育和资质认证,有效防止运输周转过程中产品破损和过分包装现象的发生,帮助企业和社会获得经济和环保的双重效益。ISTA 1 Series: Non-Simulation Integrity Performance Tests. Challenge the strength and robustness of the product and package combination. Not designed to simulate environmental occurrences. Useful as screen
3、ing tests, particularly when used as a consistent benchmark over time. • Procedure 1A: Packaged-Products weighing 150 lb (68 kg) or LessBasic Requirements: fixed displacement vibration and shock testing.• Procedure 1B: Packaged-Products weighing Over 150 lb (6
4、8 kg)Basic Requirements: fixed displacement vibration and shock testing.• Procedure 1C: Extended Testing for Individual Packaged-Products weighing 150 lb (68 kg) or LessBasic Requirements: fixed displacement or random vibration, shock testing and compression.•
5、 Procedure 1D: Extended Testing for Individual Packaged-Products weighing Over 150 lb (68 kg)Basic Requirements: fixed displacement or random vibration, shock testing and compression.• Procedure 1E: Unitized LoadsBasic Requirements: vertical linear or random v
6、ibration and shock testing.• Procedure 1G: Packaged-Products weighing 150 lb (68 kg) or Less (Random Vibration) Basic Requirements: random vibration and shock testing.• Procedure 1H: Packaged-Products weighing Over 150 lb (68 kg) (Random Vibration)Basic Requir
7、ements: random vibration and shock testing.ISTA 2 Series: Partial Simulation Performance Tests. Tests with at least one element of 3 Series type general simulation performance test, such as atmospheric conditioning or mode-shaped random vibration and at least
8、one element of a 1 Series type non-simulation integrity test.• Procedure 2A: Packaged-Products weighing 150 lb (68 kg) or Less Basic Requirements: atmospheric conditioning, compres