1、婚礼中常用的英语词汇和句子不管是看英剧还是美剧,大家应该都看到过举办婚礼的场景,对于新郎新娘互许诺言的那一刻,我们有时会感动的泪流满面。今天我们来学习一下婚礼中的英文表达吧。“结婚”的表达方式有很多,比如tie the knot(结婚;喜结连理)、marry(嫁;娶;和……结婚)、 get married(结婚)、wed(结婚;娶;嫁)、get hitched([俚语]结婚)、make a big commitment(作一个重大的承诺)等等。婚宴wedding reception 嫁妆trousseau 引宾员usher 婚誓vows 立下婚
2、誓say one's vows 举行婚礼的日子wedding day新娘bride 新郎bridegroom or groom 主婚人officiator 牧师pastor 伴郎bestman/thebestman 伴娘bridesmaid 蜜月honeymoon 婚纱、结婚礼服wedding dress/gown 婚礼进行曲wedding march 登记结婚wedinacivilceremony结婚登记处registeroffice结婚戒指weddingring结婚证marriagecertificate来宾guest再婚marr
4、寥数语是两人对婚姻和一辈子的坚定承诺。让我们一起来看两则洗练而凝重的结婚誓词吧。1.Groom: I, (Groom’sname), in the presence of God, take you, (Bride'snam), to be my wife; to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, so long
5、as we both shall live. All this I vow and promise. Bride: I, (Bride'snam), in the presence of God, take you, (Groom’sname), to be my husband; to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cheri
6、sh, so long as we both shall live. All this I vow and promise.2.Groom:I,(Groom'sname),takeyou(bride'sname),tobemywife,mypartnerinlifeandmyonetruelove.Iwillcherishourfriendshipandloveyoutoday,tomorrow,andforever;Iwilltrustyouandhonoryou;Iwilllaughwithyouandcrywithyou;Iwillloveyou