2、为典型代表,而且其近百首诗歌中的“胡”字语境义又各不相同,比如胡天、胡关、胡地、胡处、胡塞、胡姬、胡儿、老胡、胡雏、胡人、胡妇等。本文试以李白诗歌中含“胡”字的作品为研究对象,从前人的研究基础上,对李白诗歌中的“胡”字具体的语境义及其文化意义进行细致的探析。关键词:李白诗歌;“胡”;“胡”字语境义;文化意义AbstractLibai, one of the greatest romantic poet in Chinese poetic history, had made a contribution to that for developi
3、ng the romanticism created by Qvyuan to the peak, and had been enjoying a high position, whose poem is literary classics that combined romanticism with realism. Gived favourable environment for his poetic creation in flourishing period of Tang, such as tolerant policy, pros
4、perous economy, compatible culture and frequent communication between The Central Plain and Outlands. As well as the experience of Anshi's Rebellion, had produced complexed and richful significance of Libai's poem, which presents an unique exotic feeling. According totheaut
5、hortotostatistics,nearly one thousand Libai's poems have been circulating, encluding the corpus of Libai's poem, and about one hundrend of poemscontained theword of "Hu"."Hu" has lots of sense,but its contextual meaning differ from oneanother,especially in the Libai's poems
6、, for example ,Hutian, Huguan,Hu fu and so on Theauthor , based on the previous research, tries to comprehensively analyze the concrete contextual meaning and cultural significance of "Hu" in Libai's poems.key words: Libai's poem, "Hu", The contextual meaning of "Hu", Cultu
7、ral significance目录摘要IAbstractII目录III前言1一、李白诗歌中的“胡”字分类1(一)李白诗歌中“胡”之地域环境2(二)李白诗歌中与人物相关的“胡”21.李白诗歌中的“胡姬”形象22.李白诗歌中的“胡”字的其他人物形象33、李白诗歌中表示人名的“胡”4(三)李白诗歌中“胡”之名物4(四)李白诗歌中表示社会日常生活用品的“胡”5(五)李白与战事相关的“胡”6(六)李白诗歌中“胡”的疑问义及同音假借8二、“胡”字的文化意义解构8(一)“胡”的唐代与西域文化交流意义91、唐代对待民族文化的态度及娱乐文化意义92、民族风俗