1、人教新版小学英语三年级下册Unit 5 Do you like pears?第一课时一.教学目标:1.知识目标:词汇:能够听说认读水果类单词:Apple, pear, orange, banana.句型:能够听懂并会说句型:Do you like.....? /Yes, I do./No, I don’t.2.能力目标:能够在图片、实物或情景的帮助下运用句型Do you like...?Yes, I do./No, I don’t。询问他人对某物的喜好并回应他人的询问。3.情感态度、文化意识、学习策略目标:1)
2、知道吃水果对健康有益。2)初步了解名词复数的用法。3)能够在自主学习,合作探究中找到学习英语的快乐。二.教学重点1.能够听说认读水果单词的单数。2.能够初步了解名词复数的用法。3.能够理解对话大意,用正确的语音语调朗读对话,并且能够在图片和教师的帮助下,在语境中运用Do you like...?Yes, I do./No, I don’t.来询问他人对水果的好恶。三.教学难点: 能够理解对话大意,用正确的语音语调朗读对话,并且能够在图片和教师的帮助下,在语境中运用Do you like...?Yes, I do
3、./No, I don’t.来询问他人对水果的好恶。 四.教学过程步骤一:热身1.口语交际活动,进而引导学生通过观察幻灯片首页,了解这堂课的主题为Fruits.Suggested classroom language:Hello!/Hi, everyone! ./Good morning!/Nice to meet you! How are you? Look at the picture, guess what we will learn today. So, what will we learn today
4、?欣赏歌曲Quite right! We'll learn fruits today.设计意图:和学生初次沟通,通过日常会话来了解学生。引导学生通过看课件的首页来了解本堂课的话题。轻松自如地进入英语思维状态,形成学生主动思考、自主参与的意识。 步骤二:呈现1.猜字谜学单词,此为水果单词的引入环节。后将水果图片贴在黑板上,并在四线三格内写单词进行书写示范,并教单词的拼写。Suggested classroom language:Do you like to guess riddles? I collected s
5、ome riddles for you. They are about fruits. Have a try!The first one, who can answer?The second one. Quick answer! The third one. brave boy! It doesn’t matter! Try it again. The fourth one, clever!2.单词的认读。1)Read after me. I read one time, you read 3 times. G
6、ot it?OK, Let’s begin! Apple, pear, banana, orange.(teach the new words to Ss for several times.) Girls, read! Boys, read!(Choose some Ss to read them)2)What color is the apple?(point to the PPT).It’s red . What about the pear and banana? They are yellow. Wh
7、at color is the orange? Its orange.3.水果图片由单数过渡到复数Look, I bring many fruits to our classroom.Let's have a look at what they are. What's this? Apple. How many apples? Oh, there are two apples.Follow me to read, apples!(Then teach Ss the other 3 plural forms of
8、 the vocabularies about fruits. ) 4.游戏:Whatis missing?Whataremissing?1)Lookattheppt,guesswhatismissing?设计意图:复习水果名词的单复数5.课内新授单词复习:请学生读课件上水果名词的单复数。Can you read the words on my PPT? Read them as I