2、tudyonTheLegendofZhenHuanZHUChunfeng(MAstudent,CommunicationUniversityofChina)ABSTRACT:The genre of ancient palace intrigue has been one of the most popular television dramas in recent years. The Legend of Zhen Huan can be seen as its typical product. This paper makes a case study of
3、 this TV series and tries to find the mechanism of this genre. It can be observed that The Legend of Zhen Huan adopts, andat the same time transgresses, the basic rules of the genre. This paper argues the transgression does not challenge the mainstream ideologies representedin the ge
4、nre of ancient palace intrigue.KEYWORDS:The genre of ancient palace intrigue, genre analysis, The Legend of Zhen Huan从2010年开始宫斗戏的收视率在个地面频道和卫星频道居高不下,《后宫甄嬛传》更是将宫斗戏发展到了一个顶峰。这部电视剧一方面深受女性观众的喜爱,甚至被宣传成“古装版职场争斗教科书”,但同时也因过度宣扬权谋和利己而受到很大的争议。主要是因为这部电视既采用了宫斗戏的一般制作模式并将其精良化,同时在某种程度上也是对宫斗戏这种类型片的一种超越