1、基于CAN总线的ELMO伺服运动控制系统2008-10-318:58:00 喻刚,舒志兵 供稿摘 要:基于CAN总线的运动控制系统广泛的应用于军事及民用工业领域。本文介绍了运用以色列Elmo伺服及其CAN总线技术实现的交流伺服运动控制系统,具体设计了整个控制系统的各个部分及其内部模块。从硬件与软件两方面将其与一般的CAN总线控制系统相比较,体现出该系统各方面的特点与优势。关键词:Elmo伺服 CAN总线 模块化设计Elmo Servo Motion Control System Based on CAN busYu gang , Shu zhibingAbstract: M
2、otion control system based on CAN bus are widely used in civil and military industries.In this paper,the Elmo Servo motion control system made in Israel based on CAN bus is introduced.Each part of the system and its modules are introduced in detail.Hardware and software of the system is ana
3、lyzed compared to commonly CAN motion control system.Its characteristics and advantages are expressed through the comparing.Keywords: Elmo Servo CAN bus modularization designing1 引言 CAN现场总线是80年代末由德国Bosch公司为公共汽车系统设计的现场总线,是迄今为止唯一成为国际标准的现场总线,也是公认的全球范围内最具前途的现场总线之一。CAN现场总线最初用于汽车监控系统,由于CAN总线系统的特