1、论化妆品化学的发展及趋势姓名:陈燕班级:化学121学号:5503112043摘要:根据现状及其内在特点,探讨化妆品工业的发展趋势,指出依靠技术创新、加强科学管理、实施名牌战略是化妆品企业立于不败之地的必要条件。关键词: 化妆品; 发展史; 发展现状; 发展趋势ABSTRACT This article describes the history of the development of China's cosmetics industry. Focuses on the development status of the cosmetic
2、s industry. According to the current situation and its inherent characteristics, to explore the development trends of the cosmetics industry that rely on technological innovation, strengthen scientific management, and implementation of brand strategy is a necessary conditio
3、n for cosmetics companies invincible. KEY WORDS Cosmetic; History of the development; Development Status;Development trends1.我国化妆品行业的发展历史及现状 1.1化妆品的概念 根据2007年8月27日国家质检总局公布的《化妆品标识管理规定》,化妆品是指以涂抹、喷洒或者其他类似方法,散布于人体表面的任何部位,如皮肤、毛发、指趾甲、唇齿等,以达到清洁、保养、美容、修饰和改变外观,或者修正人体气味,保持良好状态为目的的