《Module 7 Unit 2 Pandas love bamboo. 教案》由会员上传分享,免费在线阅读,更多相关内容在教育资源-天天文库。
1、Module7Unit2Pandaslovebamboo.教案一、教学目的1、学习新授单词:its,body,comeoutof,get.2、能够听、说、读、写本单元的单词和基本句型Pandas love bamboo。3、能用一般现在时描述动物及其习性等。4、能听懂会说:Ilike...Doyoulike..?的句型。5、能正确、流利地朗读对话。二、教学重点及难点1、准确理解对话中的Theylove...Do..like..?的使用2、用一般现在时描述动物及其习性。会使用Ilike..Doyoulike..?的使用。三、教学准备录音机、挂图四、教学过程A . Warming-up
2、and Revision 1、 Sing a songT : Let’s sing the song:Pandas. 2、 Review words教师问学生知道的动物,并拼读复习。T : Which animal do you know?Ss: ...T : Can you spell it?Ss: ...B . Presentation1、课文教学①教师以简笔画画出panda,一边画,一边问:What are they? They are fat. They’re black and white. What are they? 引导学生回答:Panda。教师再问:What do
3、they love? What do they like to eat? 引导学生回答后,教师说:Pandas love bamboo.T : Look. They are fat. They’re black and white. What are they?Ss: Panda.T : What do they love?Ss: 竹子T : Pandas love bamboo. bamboo②出示bamboo的单词卡,教学,操练。T : Read after me : bambooSs: bamboo...③教师以同样的方法引出snake, Snakes love the sun
4、. ④教师以猜谜的方式引出elephant / cat,随后进行教学,操练。T : Look, there’s a picture. Guess, Which animal is it? Listen! They’re big and fat. They have got two big ears and they have got a long nose. They like water. What are they?Ss: They’re elephants.T : Right! Elephants like water.(practice) T : Look, another
5、animal. They are small. They like fish. Their sound like “miao”. What are they? Ss: They’re cats. T : Yes! Cats like fish.(practice)T : What is the bear doing?Ss: Sleeping.T : Bears liketosleep in winter.T:Showthepicture熊猫;Lovebamboo蛇;Lovetheson熊;Sleepinthewinter大象;Likewater猫;LikefishC.Practice