1、文学的终结与文学性统治——兼谈后现代文学研究的任务Abstract: The essay has made the critical analysis of ’escaping from literature’, a common phenomenon in recent literary realm, and has pointed oout the duuality of the generaal postmodeern literatture: co-exxistence off literaturre’s end aand literarriness’ rulle, with
2、tthe former covering the latterr. And morre, the arrticle has analyzed meanings oof literatuure’s end in artistiic and culltural taxoology underr post-modeern conditiions and ffocused on the estabblishment aand embodimment of liiterariness’’ rule in thought aand scholarrism, consuumption soc
3、ciety, mediia informattion and ppublic showws. Besidess, the autthor in thhis articlee has sugggested thatt to reconnstruct27/27 thee object oof literaryy study iss the key to overcooming crisiis in liteerary studyy in the social shiift. 近年来,文学研究究领域出现了一种突出而而普遍的现象:逃离文学。。曾经风光无限而被人追逐逐的文学成了人们避之不