2、车转弯信号灯;AT89C51Abstract:The design uses a single-chip control, select the five switches in the control system, an AT89C51 microcontroller seven light-emitting diodes. AT89C51 microcontroller as control core, with the status of the five switches to simulate car turns
3、state. Seven light-emitting diode Ming off car lights to simulate the state related signals.KeyWords:SCM,Automotiveturnsignallights,AT89C511引言在当今社会,汽车方便了人们的生活,人们也开始了依赖于汽车。汽车的数量也是越来越多,但是一些交通事故也是越来越多。所以汽车转向灯也成了汽车必不可少的装备,汽车转向灯可以有效的对行人或者其他车辆起到一定的提示作用。传统的汽车转向灯由于自身条件的限制,可