4、bstract The design of hand push reel mower consists mainly of walking wheels, frame, handrail frame and cutting subassembly, walking wheels have the inner ring gears, cutting subassembly make up of the hob and fixed knife. The shaft of hob rests on the frame; at both ends of th
5、e shaft have the pinion gears that mesh with the inner ring gears. The fixed knife installs on the frame, the cutting edge of fixed knifeistangent to the ho’s blade. Hob twisted blades fix on the tool carrier, and with the blade cutting angle on the front and rear. The bevel an
6、gles of cutting edge can enhance the cutting forces when mow the lawn, and increase work efficiency. The mower designed for home and private garden and small lawn use, without electricity or diesel-powered, no air and noise pollution, accord with the requirements of environment
7、al protection. People walk through the grass for not only physical exercise but also realization of the purpose of trimming the lawn. Keywords: reel mower;lawn;environmental protection 购买设计文档后加Q--1459919609免费领取图纸购买设计文档后加Q--1459919609免费领取图纸1国内外旋刀式割草机的发展状况1.1割草机的分类按切割器类型可以分为旋刀式、