《Patterns for Parallel Programming.pdf》由会员上传分享,免费在线阅读,更多相关内容在学术论文-天天文库。
1、"If you build it, they will come."And so we built them. Multiprocessor workstations, massivelyparallel supercomputers, a cluster inevery department ... and they haven't come. Programmers haven't come to program these wonderfulmachines. Oh, a few progr
2、ammers in love with the challenge have shown that most types of problemscan be forcefit onto parallel computers, but general programmers, especially professionalprogrammers who "have lives", ignore parallel computers.And they do so at their own peril.
3、 Parallel computers are going mainstream. Multithreadedmicroprocessors, multicore CPUs, multiprocessor PCs, clusters, parallel game consoles ... parallelcomputers are taking over the world of computing. The computer industry is ready to flood the mark
4、etwith hardware that will only run at full speed with parallel programs. But who will write theseprograms? This is an old problem. Even in the early 1980s, when the "killer micros" started their assault ontraditional vector supercomputers, we worried
5、endlessly about howtoattract normal programmers.We tried everything we could think of: highlevel hardware abstractions, implicitly parallelprogramming languages, parallel language extensions, and portable messagepassing libraries. Butafter many years
6、of hard work, the fact of the matter is that "they" didn't come. The overwhelmingmajority of programmers will not invest the effort to write parallel software.A common view is that you can't teach old programmers new tricks, so the problem will not be
7、 solveduntil the old programmers fade away and a new generation takes over. But we don't buy into that defeatistattitude. Programmers have shown a remarkable ability to adoptnew software technologies over the years. Look at how many old Fortran progra
8、mmers are nowwriting elegant Java programs with sophisticated objectoriented designs. The problem isn't with oldprogrammers. The problem is with old parallel computing experts and the waythey've tried tocreate apool of capable parallel program