2、变化的环境中党的政治思想方针、杂志编辑政策和读者要求等综合因素相互作用的产物。党的领导和社会变革的相互作用最终决定了杂志在不同历史时期所塑造的典型的中国女性形象。 [关键词] 媒体形象塑造;社会变革;杂志封面;性别传播;中国传播 Abstract:A major question for research on relationship between the media and society is whether the media are agents of social change or reinforcers of the status quo. This study used m
3、edia portrayal of women as an index to explore the relationship between the media and society within the Chinese context. Through a content analysis of 352 cover pictures of Women of China, China’s official English women magazine for foreign publicity, we investigated whether and how the media portr
4、ayal of Chinese women relates to the social changes in China. Our findings show that the image of Chinese women presented by the covers of Women of China is to a large extent influenced by the socio-economic and political-ideological changes in China. Rather than a literal portrayal of the “reality”
5、, it is a symbolic representation of the Chinese women created through the interaction of party ideology, editorial policy and readers’ taste as well as the changing reality of Chinese women’s life and work. The interlocking of party control and societal influences has determined the typical images
6、of “Chinese Women” suited to particular periods of time. Key words:Media portrayal;social change;magazine cover;gender communication; Chinese communication 一、 引言 在探讨媒体与社会的关系时,学术界始终关注的话题包括:媒体究竟是社会的“塑造者”,还是社会的“反光镜”;媒体究竟是促进了社会变革,还是维持了社会现状。[1]西方传播学者对此持有不同看法。早先的“镜子原理”(the mirror approach)运用镜子的比喻描述了媒体的社会作