1、中图分类号:TG665论文编号:102870513-S226学科分类号:082503硕士学位论文激光熔覆热损伤评估及其检测研究研究生姓名学科、专业研究方向指导教师曾 超航空宇航制造工程绿色再制造田 威 副教授南京航空航天大学研究生院 机电学院二О一三年三月Nanjing University of Aeronautics and AstronauticsThe Graduate SchoolCollege of Mechanical and Electrical EngineeringA Study of Thermal Damage for Las
2、erCladding Technology and Its DetectionA Thesis inAeronautical and Astronautical Science and TechnologybyZeng ChaoAdvised byAssociate Prof. Tian WeiSubmitted in Partial Fulfillmentof the Requirementsfor the Degree ofMaster of EngineeringMarch, 2013承诺书本人声明所呈交的硕士学位论文是本人在导师指导下进行的研究工
6、g is a complicated thermal-physical process of the interaction of laser beam,cladding material and substrate material, involving phase transition theory, thermodynamics andkinetics theory as well as constitutive relations deductive theory under thermal process, as a result, thefa
7、ctor that affects the usage performance is also complicated. This paper carried out a comprehensivestudy on thermal damage consequent to laser cladding, as well as its detection. Detailed works arelisted:First, a deep analysis on the microstructure and metallographic morphology o