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1、野天鹅(三)  编 者 注  安徒生的童话《野天鹅》描述了主人公艾丽莎凭着自己的善良、勇敢、毅力来完成了善与恶的斗争,救了自己,也救了11位哥哥的故事。这个童话故事让艾丽莎成了儿童心中最受欢迎的形象之一。  1. Alice waked and walked out the cave, bruised the nettles,which burned her like the fire, with her bare feet and spun the flax. To save her dear brothers, she was glad to 

2、tolerate the sufferings. 艾丽莎醒来,她走出山洞,赤着脚踏碎每一根像火一样刺人的荨麻,编制从中取出的麻。为了救出亲爱的哥哥,她乐意忍受这些苦痛。  2. At sunsets her brothers returned. They believed itmust be the wicked queen when they found her dumb. But when they saw her hands they understood that she was suffering on their behalf. 太阳下

3、山后,哥哥们回来了。当他们发现她哑了的时候,起初他们认为是恶毒皇后的新妖术,看到她的手以后知道了她是在为他们受难。6  3. The brothers felt worried. The youngest brother began to cry, and where his tears fell, her pain ceased. Alice tried to give them a smile. 艾丽莎的哥哥们很担忧。最小的哥哥开始哭泣,他的泪珠滴到的地方艾丽莎就不那么痛了。艾丽莎努力地朝哥哥们笑了笑。  4. She kept working

4、 through the night and would never rest till her brothers were released. One cloak was finished and she began the second one. 她整夜的工作着,在哥哥们得救以前,她是不会休息的。一件披甲织完了,她马上开始织第二件。  5. At this moment, there came the horn for the hunting. She put away the cloaks and hid herself in the cav

5、e. The hunters and dogs came in. The most handsome one was the king. 这时山间响起了打猎的号角,她收拾好披甲和荨麻躲进山洞。猎人们和猎狗进了山洞,其中最英俊的猎人就是这个国家的国王。  6. He walked up to Alice, “How did you come here, my dear?” Alice shook her head and hid her hands under the apron. not daring to speak one word. 他向艾丽

6、莎走来,问道:“亲爱的,你怎样到这地方来了呢?”艾丽莎摇摇头,把她的手藏到围裙下面,不敢说一句话。6  7. The king wanted to take her away and let her live a happy life. Alice said no word. Then the king rode on the white horse with Alice. At sunset, a beautiful palace appeared in front of them. But tears were in her eyes. 国王想

7、要带她离开这里,让她过上幸福的生活。艾丽莎一言不发。于是国王带着她骑上白马。当太阳下山的时候,他们面前出现了一座美丽的宫殿。但是她满眼泪水。  8. The girls in the palace dressed Alice, put some pearls in her hair and put gloves on her blistered hands. The king chose her to be his wife, although the archbishop said the beautiful girl from the fore

8、st was a witch.宫女们给她穿上宫廷的衣服,在她的发里插上一些珍珠,在她起了泡的手上戴上精致的手套。国王把她选



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