1、电脑故障集(1) (太极寒锋)一、注册错误信息 ERROR: Bad Login Name format ERROR bc:Bad Login 0 这表示你的用户名错误或不存在。在客户端你看到的提示是:"Either the Account name or Password you provided were incorrect. If this is a new account, your account may not be active yet. please try again shortly"(如果客户端没有输入名字或密码,会得到同
3、eck your user ID and password and try again." ERROR c0:Bad Login。4.通常这个信息表示服务器端与客户端的版本不匹配,升级客户端版本可以解决此问题。客户端得到的信息提示为: "There is some problem communicating with Origin. Please restart Ultima Online and try again" General Error Messages二、基本错误信息BadSpawnpointuid=040006380,id=0此