2、bstractThe requirements in aquaculture farming heavy manual labor, and in some farming equipment and complicated to operate, the working environment relative risk, a lot of inconvenience to the farmers.To solve this problem, this paper combines wireless communication tec
3、hnology, data processing technology and DC motor control technology, designed a set based on ARM (Advanced RISC Machines) to accept data, process the data, and the operation of other equipment control system to ensure that the onreal-time monitoring of the environment, a
4、quaculture systems can be stable, efficient and intelligent operation. And through the display, the user can easily see the fish ponds in various parts of the parameter information, greatly improving the quality of aquaculture and breeding efficiency of the staff.Keyword
5、s: STM32F103x; intelligent control; data collection; wireless communication1.引言随着自动化理论的不断发展,自动化概念及其产品已经不断在工农业中得到应用。农业中水产养殖管理是一个要求养殖人员进行繁重的体力劳动的工作。虽然随着现代化工业的发展,市场上不断的出现各种水产养殖的新型设备,但是这并为给养殖户工作带来便利,反而由于这些设备操作复杂,工作环境危险,对养殖户带来了诸多的不便。于此同时,随着现代自动控制理论,及电子设备的发展,功能业上一些繁重的,危险的工作正被自