1、Unit5Thepowerofnature第一节、词汇填空1.He made an with the manager and arrived at the time. Later he was as a more important post. (appoint)2.He was _______ to leave theofficewhenheheardthesadnewsthatmadehimfeelrather______and he could not hide his _______. ( anxious )3.I take
2、 from the fact that many people are there to help him.Thosepeoplehelpthembuildhousesthatarereallytolivein. (comfortable) 4.Freedom of speech by law. Thatistosay,thelawwill usthefreedomofexpressingourownideas.(guarantee)5.The ________ of Mount Kilauea, one of th
3、e most active volcanoes in Hawaii, is always taking people by surprise.Whenitfirst,itscaredpeoplelivingcloseit.(erupt) 6.People’spreferenceforfoodfrompersontoperson,andinmyopinion,it’s better to ______________ our diet rather than eat the same thing all the time.Afterall,our
4、bodyneednutritiontokeephealthy.Inconclusion,inordertokeepabalanceddiet,weshouldtryaoffood.(vary)7.IitifyouteachmehowtousethecomputerbecauseIthatthisisnotaneasytask.(appreciate)8.The size of the shirt fits me well and its color matches my tie, so it me fine.It doesn't ______
5、__ you to have your hair cut short. Carpets should ________ the curtains. Does the coat _________ you? Military training ________ men for long marches. Few pleasures can _________that of a cool drink on such a hot day . (suit;match;fit)9.Afterabigfirebrokeoutinthelab,alot
7、nsovertheissue.Anyway,peopleinthiscompanyareallfrombackgrounds.(diverse)第二节、完形填空One sunny afternoon, a seven-year-old girl went for a walk. She crossed a large area of grassland into the woods __26__ she realized that she was lost. Sitting on a rock and __27__ what to do, sh
8、e began crying. After a while. She__28__ to walk along a wide path lined w