1、暨南大学硕士学位论文基于收益管理的云服务定价策略研究Research on Cloud Computing Pricing Strategy Based on theTheory of Revenue Management作者姓名:邓黎指导教师姓名魏莹及学位、职称:博士 副教授学科、专业名称:工业工程硕士(ME)论文提交日期:论文答辩日期:答辩委员会主席:论文评阅人:学位授予单位和日期:独 创 性 声 明本人声明所呈交的学位论文是本人在导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究成果。据我所知,除了文中特别加以标注和致谢的地方外,论文中不包含其他人已经发表或撰写过的研究成果,也不包含为获得或其他教
4、深入研究,在总结文献资料和现有企业定价状况的基础上,讨论四种常见的 IaaS 定价策略:单位定价、订阅式定价、混合定价、分级定价。然后,本文采用数学建模的方法,从顾客感知价值的角度引入消费者效用函数,构建 IaaS 提供商基于收益管理的单一产品定价模型和多产品分级定价模型。文章最后根据数学结论总结了消费者效用和定价策略对企业决策的影响,并结合电信云计算,提出了一些管理启示,也为后续研究者提供了参考。关键词:云服务;收益管理;定价策略;用户效用IAbstractWith the rapid development of Internet technology, cloud services
5、based on cloudcomputing has become a new business model with a wide range of application. Cloudcomputing treats computing resources such as hardware, software, information as a service andoffer it to users, thus forming a kind of the concept of "IT as a service". The service type can bedivided int
6、o three categories: IaaS (infrastructure as a service) provides low cost and highreliability of infrastructure services; PaaS (platform as a service) provides the platform servicefrom technical development to the operation; SaaS (software as a service) provides onlinesoftware leasing services.This
7、 paper gives a general introduction to the development and present situation of cloudcomputing services, with a focus on IaaS service. Four pricing models are summaried andstudied based on the observations on the