4、和时代特征。新疆干果实施网络营销,打造虚拟经济与实体经济相互协调统一的营销模式,成为干果营销的必经之路。在此背景下,结合新疆干果营销现状,分析了干果企业发展网络营销的必要性和意义,针对企业层面、政府层面、中介层面等存在的问题,提出了加强新疆干果网络营销能力的对策建议关键词新疆,干果,网络营销,策略,贵州大学自学考试本科毕业论文(设计)第15页TheStudyonOn-lineMarketingofDriedFruitsProductsinXinjiangABSTRACTXinjiang is aboundant in dried fruit with
5、big variety and good quality, for unique geography and climate conditions promote the growth of crops and fruits as well as accumulation of sugar.Development of the network has shown strong vitality and characteristics of the times, showing the fruits of network marketing a broa
6、d development prospects. All along, with rapid growth of fruit cultivation area and yield, Xinjiang is known as one of the world's six major fruit cultivation bases, of which the dried fruit production is among the nation's good momentum of development. Although in the past few
7、years, Xinjiang has some internet marketing services company, launching a network marketing business fruit, grapes trading networks such as Northern Red Grapes Industry Limited Liability Company, Phoenix Turpan Grape Fruit Industry Co., Ltd. and so on under some achievements , b