6、lostnothingimportant?"Shemeantthathumanlivesaremoreimportantthanmaterialpossessions.8.HowdidthecommunityofGulfportactafterHurricaneCamillewasover?Theymanagedtomaketheirlivesreturntonormalandbeganrebuildingtheircommunitywithoutanydelay.Paraphrase: 1. We're elevated 23 feet. O
7、ur house is 23 feet above sea level.2. The place has been here since 1915, and no hurricane has ever bothered it.The house was built in 1915 and since then no hurricane has done any damage to it.3. We can batten down and ride it out.We can prepare ourselves for the hurricane
8、 and manage to survive it without much damage.4. The generator was doused,