1、----------专业最好文档,专业为你服务,急你所急,供你所需-------------文档下载最佳的地方当前我国商业票据业务存在的问题和对策分析作者:詹茂军/赵慧 内容摘要:本文通过分析了当前制约我国商业票据业务发展的主要因素有:社会信用环境,交易品种、经营模式、统一市场、技术和制度障碍等,指出要加快票据业务发展就必须从相应角度来创造条件,促进我国商业票据业务和票据市场发展。关键词:商业票据 问题 对策The analysis of the present problems and countermeasuresexisting in
2、 commercial paper business of our country Abstract : The paper analyzes the main factors, such as social honest environments 、transaction tools 、market condition、 institutional restriction、the operation mode,and so on, which hamper the development of the commercial paper in
3、 our country. The paper points out at present measures must be taken to create conditions, which advance the commercial papers development further from the corresponding aspects.Keyword: Commercial papers Problems Countermeasures商业票据作为一种便利的结算和融资工具,在国外发达国家的信用制度乃至经济金融发展过程中起